1.to buy something and take it home
1."If you're trying to do deals or buy back debt, the speed with which you do something has increased, " he says.
2.The argument that labor should receive enough to buy back the product is merely a special form of the general "purchasing-power" argument.
3.In what's called 'leveraged recapitalization, ' the company would buy back its stock, thereby increasing the size of that stake.
4.The retailer did not provide a time frame in which it would buy back the shares.
5.If Buffett thought there was even a meaningful chance of that happening he would not buy back any stock.
6.The companies have since been trying to force lenders to buy back mortgages that failed to meet certain underwriting requirements.
7.If the company's value does not rise above what Elevation paid in 2006, Forbes could buy back the stake and stick Elevation with a loss.
8.Uncertainty in global markets and a promise to spend up to $30bn on a buy-back after a deal is consummated may play into BHP's hands.
9.He criticized BHP for not renewing a share buy back in August, when the company reported record profits of A$23. 6 billion.
10.Unlike Hyundai's program, Ford doesn't seem to be willing to buy back cars at better-than-depreciated values.